Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Dad and Dean

The Dean Martin Show. A few years back we took a trip to Italy, we took a small boat from Ischia, to Naples, then on to Sorrento for a cooking class. As we reached the beautiful small harbor in Sorrento I could hear my dad and Dino singing together, "Guarda il mare com'e bello ! Spira tanto sentimento." Dino and my dad, two great Italians.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Dean and Frank's Thoughts!

Dean Martin..“I want to be remembered as a damn good entertainer, nothing spectacular. A good entertainer who made people enjoy themselves and made them laugh a little. I want them to think 'He was a nice guy. He did pretty good and we loved him.'" Frank Sinatra .."The big lesson in life, baby, is never be scared of anyone or anything. You may be a puzzle, but I like the way the parts fit. I'm gonna live till I die. Basically, I'm for anything that gets you through the night - be it prayer, or a bottle of Jack Daniels." DeanMartinBlog.Blogspot.com (No Ads)

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Mom and Dad Visit the Dean Martin Show

The Dean Martin Show. It was always fun to rope off seats in the front row for my Mom Vickie and Dad Jerry. They loved Dino and couldn't be prouder watching their son interact with Dean, the Stage Managers, Makeup artists, and Choreographers. It reminded dad of his old day's as an singer "back in the 30's, on Chicago radio's Italian hour, where he was a regular singing "Itralian" songs! "Let's have a Vino!"

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Dean Martin Lives Tucson Greg Garrison VO

The Dean Martin Show. Through a "string of miracles" I began working at NBC Burbank in September of 1965. A few weeks after Dean had taped his first two shows. I came face to face w/Greg Garrison, the Boss, (Director) and instantly I was in awe. His resume working on big shows in NY was unparalleled ! Dean's idea was to do a "show," no strings attached. Come in on Sunday, rehearse tape and "I'm outta here!" My goal was to get as close to Dean without creating a stir, that I did! Instead of ushering outside, I walked into the studio, like I owned the place, planted myself next to Dean's chair, nobody asked any questions. Two seasons under my belt and lot's of memories. "Let's have a Vino for Dino!"

Dean Martin - Somewhere There's A Someone